There have been a number of internet scams reported to Cheshire Police which involve viruses or spyware. One member of the public recently reported a virus which attacked their computer by blocking all access once they turned it on. A page was displayed appearing to be from Cheshire Police
They were then asked to pay an upfront payment of £100 to remove the block by either going to a shop and buying a Ukash voucher from which the code could be entered online or paying via money transfer through Western Union. The fraudster claims they will unblock the computer screen after being paid.
Realising that this was a hoax, the member of the public did not pay any money and because they had antivirus software installed, the computer had detected the infected files straightaway. They commented that “The virus is clever because when it attacked my computer, it displays your IP address, login name and tries your location as close as it can.”
I have been notified of two incidents LAST WEEK that have occurred in our area. Both persons had antivirus software on their computers and could not understand what had happened to their computers when the screens froze . They reported that they thought they were accepting something from Cheshire Police when they clicked on the screen and then it froze. Both persons had to get outside agencies in to fix the computers at a cost to them.
Please be extra mindful when using the internet. Being’security savvy’ is the message that Cheshire Police are communicating .
If something similar has happened to you recently then please call :
ACTIONFRAUD on 0300 123 2040 and report the matter.
The internet has wider implications for the public who are not protecting themselves whilst online. This can be anything from disclosing your bank account details on websites using insecure web browsers, and downloading content to using the internet without a firewall in place or without antivirus software installed. Antivirus software will stop most viruses from even entering your laptop because they raise the alarm to infected files which have been found. Cybercrime can be minimised if the public know what preventative measures to take, prior to going online
Jane Thirsk